The Cord Blood Banking Journey

It is ideal to decide upon the cord blood bank of your choice between week 24 and 34 of your pregnancy, thereby allowing ample time to complete the necessary contract, pay the initial deposit, and receive the special collection kit. After your baby is born, the doctor or midwife will use the special collection kit to collect the biomaterials you decided to store (e.g., cord blood, cord tissue, and/or placenta), and the medical courier will transport the special collection kit to the proper facility for processing and storage.

As a Lifebank™ client, you can expect the utmost care from the time you enroll. Take a closer look at Lifebank™’s unique collection process, as described by Dr. Robert Hariri, our Founder and CEO. Rest assured that your newborn’s stem cell collection will be in the expert hands of our highly-trained lab technicians and stored at our state-of-the-art facility in Florham Park, NJ with 24-hour surveillance. We will also send a letter to confirm the total number of cells successfully retrieved and stored for your baby.