What is Private Banking?


When your baby is born, you can preserve the stem cells that remain in the blood of the umbilical cord and the placenta, as well as preserve the cord and placenta tissue. Cord blood and placental blood contain a special type of stem cells (HSCs) that can be used to treat diseases. Cord and placenta tissue contain different types of cells called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have the potential to be used in the future for regenerative medicine.

When you bank your baby’s stem cells for future use, they are cryopreserved, and you have access to them indefinitely.


Why Bank your Baby’s Cord & Placental Blood Stem Cells?

  1. Access to Primitive Stem Cells

As we age, the cells in our body become less able to divide and multiply and they progressively lose their ability to function optimally.[1] Since cord and placental blood stem cells are younger and more primitive than other types of cells like bone marrow or peripheral blood cells, they have several advantages, including high proliferation (the ability to multiply or reproduce cells). By banking your baby’s cord and placental blood stem cells, you will have access to these cells in their primitive state.

  1. Access to Matching Stem Cells

Cord blood stem cells are a 100% match to your baby. Your baby may be able to use their own cord blood in the treatment of certain non-genetic diseases and cancers. Other family members, including siblings, may be able to use your baby’s cord blood stem cells if they are a viable match. Treatments using cord blood stem cells from a family member have been found to be significantly more successful than stem cells from an unrelated donor.

  1. Ability to Maximize Cord & Placenta Cells

Numerous studies have shown that using more stem cells for treatment may improve the probability of survival in transplant patients. You can maximize the number of your baby’s stem cells by banking both placental blood and cord blood. Placental blood cells are similar to cord blood but contain a unique mix of primitive cells that significantly increase the number of stem cells that can be banked. Click HERE (link to LB placenta banking page) for more information.

  1. Access to Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) from Cord & Placenta Tissue

Banking your baby’s cord and placenta tissue also provides access to MSCs in their primitive state, with potential use in regenerative medicine as discussed above.

Learn more by calling Lifebank™ at (877) 543-3226 or visiting www.lifebankusa.com.

[1] MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). Aging changes in organs, tissue, and cells. Reviewed 2023 APR 18. Available at: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/004012.htm. Accessed June 18, 2024.